The Portland Chinese Times: 有華人血統的Jessie Burke宣佈參選麥魯瑪縣第二選區議員

Her legendary family history gave her a firm belief. Her achievements in the old city are a testament to her hard work.
(本報訊)在即將到來的五月二十一日選舉中,麥魯瑪縣議員的競選備受關注,而其中一位引人注目的是有華人血統的候選人杰西·伯克(Jessie Burke),多年來她積極參予波特蘭唐人街的發展,現任老城社區協會的主席。此次Jessie決心參選,直言表示對現時領導人的施政表示不滿,希望憑著她的努力,能改變目前本市的狀況。

Translated: In the upcoming May 21st election, the race for Multnomah County Commissioner is attracting significant attention, with one notable candidate being Jessie Burke, who has Chinese heritage. For years, she has actively participated in the development of Portland’s Chinatown and currently serves as the chair of the Old Town Community Association. Jessie has decided to run for office, openly expressing dissatisfaction with the current leadership and hoping that her efforts can change the current state of the city.”